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We will be conducting website maintenance on Sunday, May 5, beginning at 8 a.m. ET, lasting about 6 hous. All applications will be affected, including UCC ProFile and Entity Central®. Thank you.

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Court Services

Perseverance for Results

When litigation and related information has the potential to affect your case, transaction or deal, you can’t risk incomplete due diligence. With our fast turnaround times and cost-effective rates, you don’t have to.

Don’t waste time and resources figuring out where to begin. Chances are, we’re already on a first name basis with the people you need to talk to. We’ve spent decades piecing together incomplete documents, digging through dusty archives and finding hidden paths at what seems like a dead end. Sometimes, that’s the only kind of experience that can accomplish your goals.

When you need it done right, right now, you need COGENCY GLOBAL.